31 Ways to Create a Sensory Diet for Your Child with Sensory Processing Disorder
September 24, 2023

A sensory diet is a personalized plan designed to address a child's sensory processing difficulties and unique sensory needs. It involves using various sensory strategies and activities to provide the right sensory input at the right times to help regulate a child's sensory systems. This can be particularly beneficial for children with sensory processing disorder, autism spectrum disorder, or other developmental disabilities. Here's a list of ways to create an effective sensory diet for your child: Understanding Sensory Processing Challenges Understanding Sensory Processing Disorder: Begin by comprehensively understanding your child's sensory processing issues and challenges. Assessing Your Child's Sensory Profile: Work with a pediatric occupational therapist to assess your child's sensory profile, identifying areas of sensory dysfunction. Identifying Specific Sensory Needs: Recognize your child's unique sensory needs, including tactile, …

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11 Fun and Beneficial Activities for Autistic Children
August 25, 2023

Are you looking for fun and beneficial activities for Autistic children? Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects millions of children worldwide. It's characterized by a wide range of symptoms and challenges, including difficulties with social interaction, communication skills, and sensory processing. Engaging in various activities can play a crucial role in helping autistic children develop essential skills and lead fulfilling lives. In this blog post, we'll explore a plethora of activities tailored to the unique needs of autistic kids. These activities are designed to enhance their social, sensory, cognitive, and motor skills while ensuring a fun and enjoyable experience. Sensory Activities: A Gateway to Connection Sensory Play Sensory activities are a great way to provide autistic children with the sensory input they need. Sensory …

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Frequently Asked Questions About Autism: Understanding the Complexities and Hope for the Future
July 29, 2023

Do you have questions about Autism? As a mom, it can be daunting trying to navigate through all the questions. So, I've compiled a short list of frequently asked questions about autism that may help you understand a little bit more about this neurological developmental disability. Books on Autism Autism, also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that affects millions of individuals worldwide. It is characterized by a wide range of symptoms and challenges, impacting social interaction, communication skills, and behavior. As research continues to progress, we have compiled a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) about autism to shed light on this condition, its early signs, diagnosis, and available treatments. What is autism, and how does it affect social interaction and …

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Hand flapping When Excited; Does it Indicate Autism?
May 4, 2023

Hand flapping is fairly common with toddlers, preschoolers, and even elementary children when in a heightened state. Although hand-flapping when excited is often associated with autism, it is not always an indication of a diagnosis. It can simply be a sign of excitement or joy. In some cases, children mimic the behavior without understanding why they are doing it. Signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Autistic Children and Autistic People Self-stimulatory behavior stimming behavior can be a sign of autism, but it is not always limited to hand-flapping. Other forms of self-stimulatory behavior include vocalizations (such as repeating words or phrases), rocking back and forth, spinning in circles, staring at objects for long periods, and head-banging. In addition to self-stimulatory behavior, other signs of autism spectrum disorder can …

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13 Examples of Smart Goals for ADHD
November 6, 2022

Are you looking for examples of Smart Goals for ADHD? It can be difficult to set goals for yourself if you have ADHD. You may feel like you can't focus on anything long enough to actually achieve something. Or, you may find that your goals are so big and overwhelming that you never even get started on them. What are Smart Goals? One way to overcome these challenges is to set what are called "SMART" goals. SMART is an acronym that stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. This system can help you to set goals that are more likely to be successful and develop organizational skills. Since I have been working in ESS, I have been around special education teachers, which has given me a …

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ADHD Symptom Checklist: Navigating ADHD with Kids
July 25, 2022

ADHD is something I never thought I'd write about until my son was diagnosed. Then I realized that I also had it. ADHD is sometimes joked about and is a common term that is used regularly with children. However, it is real and it can make one's life unmanageable. If you're wondering what the ADHD symptom checklist is, keep reading. My younger son had ADHD. It was obvious to me. He could not sit still, bounced around, and talked non stop. This continued until it was unmanageable at school and we took action. My older son had behavioral issues but I didn't think he had ADHD. The school mentioned it and I recoiled. I just didn't think he had it. When I Decided to Get Help I …

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