13 Examples of Smart Goals for ADHD
November 6, 2022
Are you looking for examples of Smart Goals for ADHD? It can be difficult to set goals for yourself if you have ADHD. You may feel like you can't focus on anything long enough to actually achieve something. Or, you may find that your goals are so big and overwhelming that you never even get started on them. What are Smart Goals? One way to overcome these challenges is to set what are called "SMART" goals. SMART is an acronym that stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. This system can help you to set goals that are more likely to be successful and develop organizational skills. Since I have been working in ESS, I have been around special education teachers, which has given me a …
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ADHD Symptom Checklist: Navigating ADHD with Kids
July 25, 2022
ADHD is something I never thought I'd write about until my son was diagnosed. Then I realized that I also had it. ADHD is sometimes joked about and is a common term that is used regularly with children. However, it is real and it can make one's life unmanageable. If you're wondering what the ADHD symptom checklist is, keep reading. My younger son had ADHD. It was obvious to me. He could not sit still, bounced around, and talked non stop. This continued until it was unmanageable at school and we took action. My older son had behavioral issues but I didn't think he had ADHD. The school mentioned it and I recoiled. I just didn't think he had it. When I Decided to Get Help I …