Guide to Helping Your Children Adjust to a New Home and Community
Parenting - May 9, 2023

child hiding in a moving box

Are you worried about your move and how your children will adjust to a new home? It can be daunting for them as they start a new life, new school, etc. 

Children find moving distressing because they have to say goodbye to their friends, school, and familiar surroundings. In truth, children find it challenging to make new friends and start over at a new school, even though it’s sometimes necessary for families to move for various reasons. Kids feel they have no control over where they will go or what they leave behind. 

Therefore, it is advised to give them as much control as possible. Thinking out potential solutions for issues in advance is one approach that helps. Discuss potential problems like meeting new people or getting lost in their new city. 

Talk about all their concerns to have more solutions to any situation. With a plan in place, dealing with arising problems is less stressful. As a result, we come to your aid by sharing this guide for helping your children adjust to a new home and community.

It all Starts Before the Move

Helping your children adjust to new home starts long before the move. Therefore, You should tell your children as soon as you know about the necessity of the relocation. As experts at Verified Movers advise, don’t wait to announce the relocation until the day before the movers come. Children require time to adapt. So make sure they comprehend your relocation entirely. Tell them whether the move will happen because mom got a new job or the city you are moving to is closer to your relatives.

In addition, ensure you point out how the move will benefit your family if it is because you require an extra room or a more extensive garden. Use play therapy with younger children who might not comprehend what movement involves. Play out a family relocation with dolls and toys and move them from one house to another. A cherished stuffed animal can be great for explaining what will happen. You can also let them choose their desired canvas print to add to their new room to help them feel good in setting up a new environment. To help them feel excited about the new environment, let them choose a canvas art for their new room. This personal touch can make the transition smoother and help them feel more at home.

Your Patience is Essential

It’s crucial to remember that a child’s ability to adapt to change differs significantly from an adult’s. Because young children cannot understand abstract ideas, your patience will go a long way toward helping your child adjust to such significant change. Therefore, arm yourself with lots of patience, expect a lot of questions, and be prepared to answer them.

Also, if you want to make things easier for you and especially for the little ones, try to get them involved in planning the move, just like you get them involved in chores around the house. That way, they will understand the relocation better and know what to expect.

Learn About Your New Home Together

Children may struggle to picture a new city and home when they need to move. Therefore, take some time to show your kids their future home. For instance, if time allows, visit your new neighborhood one weekend and make it an adventure. If you can’t visit in person, show your children a video tour of the new home and community. 

Give children of school age a virtual tour of their new school and let them see images or videos of it. If possible, arrange an online meeting with a new teacher. These things will help children understand what their new surroundings will be like. After all, any change is slightly easier overall when you know what to anticipate.

Moving Day is Crucial

Everyone in the family experiences a lot of stress during moving days. As you probably know, the process can be challenging, especially if it is a long-distance move with children. Therefore, try and send the children to play with grandparents or friends for the day. You’ll feel more at ease knowing that the kids are safe and out of the way while you’re handling heavy furniture and aren’t aware of all the areas in your new home that haven’t yet been child-proofed. 

Of course, if you’re relocating to a place where you don’t know anyone, finding someone to watch the kids may not always be an option. If so, consider getting extra assistance for the relocation. To make moving day less stressful, hire movers to help you tackle the whole process.

After the Move, Encourage your Kids to Explore

New houses can have entirely strange floor plans, hidden corners, and closets that your children could find intriguing or even frightening. As a result, take your kids by the hand and show them every inch of the property. Show them that there is nothing to fear by opening every door, closet, and cupboard. 

Afterward, give them the freedom to do exploration on their own. A fantastic idea could be to make exploring the house exciting by playing a game of hide and seek or other fun indoor activities that encourage exploring.

Let Your Kids Decorate Their Room

When helping your children adjust to a new home and community, prioritize the kids’ rooms while unpacking in your new house. Besides the kitchen and bathroom setup, their room is the most important, as kids will feel more secure once they settle into their new home. Also, allow them to help unpack to learn where everything is in their room.

After you have that covered, allow them to assist in decision-making. Kids may have a better sense of ownership over their new environment if you let them pick the wall color, drapes, furniture, and placement. 

To help them more, limit the choices to three lovely selections if a youngster struggles with too many options. Show them some images for inspiration or help them create their preferred layout on a room decoration simulator. Children can become more enthusiastic about the move if their room’s decor is their decision.

Go Back to Your Usual Routine

Make sure you resume your regular schedule after the move. Life slowly returns to how it was when you schedule meals, snacks, naps, and bedtimes at the usual time. Don’t overlook the fun activities your children enjoy, like bedtime stories, reading time, or evening strolls. These regular activities are what make a house feel more like a home.

Reach out to the Community

Creating support networks for your children in the new community can be crucial in helping them adjust to a new home. They can get used to the new school and neighborhood faster with the help of a teacher, neighbor, or coach. 

Ask who your children should contact with inquiries from the school or community groups you plan to join. Also, finding a reliable adult that you can trust is the key to helping your kids feel supported when you are not around. That will also offer them, someone, to talk to when they need to express their emotions and can’t talk to you.

Final Thoughts

Helping your children adjust to a new home and community doesn’t need to be hard for you or them. With our guide, you can ensure your kids will be happy and content before and after the move.

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