12 days of Christmas With Free Printable Tags
Printables - December 1, 2024

Celebration of the 12 Days of Christmas is such a perfect way to start spreading Christmas cheer! Hence, make this holiday season extra fun and memorable with these 12 days of Christmas-free printable tags. Countdown to Christmas by playing Secret Santa to your family, friends, neighbors, or even co-workers! It doesn’t matter whether you’re gifting homemade baked goods, small DIY gifts, or making a scene of partridge in a pear tree. These free printable Christmas gift tags are just great to make all of your gifts extra special!

12 days of Christmas Free Printable Tags

Kids of all ages will love participating in this creative and interesting activity. They’ll also experience first-hand how much joy and happiness can come from sharing with others. This fun freebie can also be cute little poems in the form of PDFs.

These 12 Christmas printable gift tags are totally free and they’re one for each day. Download and save the free printable pdf of gift tags, print from home or anywhere available, then stick these tags to your gifts. These 12 days of Christmas gift tags are also perfect for adding to a gift card or coordinating treats. It’s such a simplified way of creative gift-giving: download, save, print, cut, and give! It also saves time on Christmas morning!

What Do the 12 Days of Christmas Mean?

In Christianity, the 12 Days of Christmas is a celebration of Jesus Christ’s birth that ends with the arrival of the Three Wise Men. It starts on December 25th (Christmas day). Celebrations end 12 days later, on January 5th or 6th (the Epiphany, sometimes also called Three Kings’ Day).

There are two ways of celebrating the twelve days of Christmas. You can start on Christmas Day and celebrate the traditional 12 days through early January. Or you can begin to celebrate the first day of Christmas on December 13th and finish the 12th day of Christmas on December 24th. This way you can tag the 12 days of Christmas on your calendar until the big festive celebration on Christmas morning. 

How to Celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas

You can do it for your kids, also make a special treat to your husband, or even surprise other family members you would like to bless. Here are some interesting ideas for the 12 Days of Christmas:

  • Family Time Activities:

Do something new together as a family each day to add some holiday spirit. If you choose to have quality time with your family, you might get interested in Things to do at Schnepf Farms for Christmas where you can have fun on some rides and check out the beautiful Christmas lights.

Or stay at home and make a batch of Best Christmas Hot Cocoa Bomb for the Holidays to enjoy together. Make then eat Top 35 Edible Christmas Crafts; DIY Crafts you Can Eat. Cut out beautiful paper snowflakes and tape them on your windows. Hide twelve gifts with tags around the house and let your children have a scavenger hunt while playing their favorite Christmas song.

  • Reading 12 Books and Watching 12 Movies:

Buy new Christmas books and unwrap one each day to read for yourself or as a family. Also, add a new book to your family holiday library on a date from the 13th to the 25th of December. Reading holiday stories with children just never gets old. In addition, choose 12 movies and watch one movie a day for 12 days along.

  • Act of Kindness or Service:

Think of 12 helpful things you can do to help your relatives, family, neighbors, or your own community. For example, go shopping for food pantry items and help homeless people, share a dinner with your neighbor, help at church on a service project, or simply ask your close family members to take a day to help each other. 

Christmas Free Printable Tags

What’s the best part about 12 days of Christmas free printable tags? These free printable gift tags can go with almost any gift!

You can use cute Disney tags for homemade cookies and candy canes to give kids, secret Santa tags for marshmallow Santas, or make personalized holiday gift cards from the free printables to decorate the gifts you plan to share this season.

12 Days of Christmas Free Printable Tags

Enjoy your 12 days of Christmas with these free printable Christmas gift tags. These special gift tags will make your holiday season so much more fun.

Don’t forget to have a peek at Amazing DIY Gifts for Christmas that Every One will Love.

In addition, 12 Days of Christmas Dessert Plates: Top Dessert Recipes are very delicious holiday desserts that you can easily weave into your 12 Days of Christmas celebrations.

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